As we were waiting for the pizza to finish cooking my dad was telling us about the Pastors Convention he just went to earlier that week, in the Twin Cities. He was telling about the great speakers that he got to see and hear. They talked a lot about prayer and how our prayer to God should be just as if we are sharing things with a friend (sharing anything and everything on our mind). He shared what the speakers had to say about having faith in God and knowing that He is capable of anything and He will answer any pray that fits with His will. And if we are in God's word, spending time with Him, our prayers will match up with His will; resulting in many answered prayers!
Then Dad began to tell a story, he started by saying do you remember calling me about a week and a half ago just to say hi? I vaguely remembered. He went on to remind me about telling him that I got to use an iPad in my classroom (I loved it and so did the kids...they had so much fun!) and I then told him that I wanted one. He laughed a little and then encouraged me to start saving my money :)
Well at this convention my dad was at, there are a bunch of vendors that you can go around and visit, and while you were visiting them you got this "passport" stamped. If every vendor at the convention stamped your passport you were able to be a part of a drawing including lots of prizes (the top one being an iPad). So, remembering our conversation dad decided to try to get his passport stamped and see what God would have him win. He said a prayer, something like this..."God, I know that Nikki said she wanted an iPad and if you want to give her one, you can do can do anything!" He turned in his passport and was entered in to the drawing. After the session that night some 1,600 pastors gathered to see who won what prizes (there was a list printed out). Standing a ways back Dad looked in the top left corner (figuring the top prize would be listed first) wasn't his name (someone from California was listed there). So he thought oh well, and then continued to look at the list of names to see if he had won anything. A little ways down the list he saw Ken Casey, MN................iPad! OH WOW! He couldn't believe it! So dad gave me an iPad this weekend and said, "I guess God wanted you to have this iPad." He shared about how this has been about SO much more than an iPad; he has told so many people the story and it has been an encouragement and a testimony about how God can and will do anything; even through something "silly" like an iPad........God will find a way to show Himself!
I can't wait to see how else God will use this story and the iPad for His Glory!!!!!